What are Your Goals in Life?

Joseph Feibel – January 16, 2018

I think many people don’t really have  any goals in life. They are like rudderless ships drifting along in the sea. It’s hard to get somewhere if you don’t know where your going.  Having goals can be motivating and making progress towards them can be very satisfying. Once you have set your mind to your goal, let nothing or no one stand in your way. Goals make it more possible for us to achieve something worthwhile. What are some goals you are working towards right now?  If you don’t have any in mind, you might want to get a pen and paper and take a few minutes to think and write a few down. Write down some small goals more immediate short-term goals you would like to work on for home and work. Write down some larger long-term goals as well. See if writing these lists down makes you feel happier as you start to work to achieving these goals.

Home Goals:

Work Goals:

Large Goals:

Small Goals: